Support for Nerdeen Kiswani

Palestinian Solidarity

An archive of IG posts in support of CUNY Law student Nerdeen Kiswani, who has endured incredibly Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian attacks throughout her time at the school – including a poorly timed post by the school implying she was anti-Jewish for clowning around with a friend about his IDF sweatshirt.

2021 Anti-Racism Student Activism

Anti-Racism Activism, Miscellaneous

Throughout late 2020 and early 2021, the CUNY faculty were trying to understand what to do with allegations of racism against then-Dean Bilek and a subsequent coverup. This all came to a head in March 2021, when two students pushed the faculty to make everything public.

This kicked off a massive series of revelations across the CUNY Law community. It still remains to be seen what, if anything, will come of it.

The full archive collected by student activists can be found on Medium.

Reporting on the issue and other artifacts can be found here.